Curriculum Vitae
Neena M. Malik, Ph.D.
7600 Red Road
Suite 225
South Miami, FL 33143
Phone: (305) 401-1875
Email: drneenamalik@gmail.com
University of Denver, Ph.D., June, 1997
University of Denver, M.A., December, 1994
Yale University, B.A., May, 1988 (cum laude)
Licensed Psychologist
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Miami
Florida Licensed Psychologist PY 6900
Academic: University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Scientist, 9/07-5/17
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Psychology Training Director, 9/07-8/14
University of Miami, Assistant Professor, 8/00 –8/07
University of Miami, Adjunct Assistant Professor, 9/98-5/00
University of Miami, Research Associate, 10/95-8/98
University of Miami School of Medicine, Clinical Intern, 9/94-8/95
University of Colorado at Denver, Instructor, 1994
Non-Academic: Independent Practice, Licensed Psychologist, 9/12-present
Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence, 11th Judicial Circuit of FL; Project Director; 8/98-5/00
Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence,11thJudicial Circuit of FL; ResearchDirector; 4/97-7/98
Malik, N. M., & Lindahl, K. M. (2024). Parental conflict. In G. P. Koocher, A. M. La Greca, O. Moorehead-Slaughter, and N. N. Lopez (Eds.), The Parents’ Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Lindahl, K. M., Malik, N. M., & Little, K. K. (2024). Sexuality and gender identity. In G. P. Koocher, A. M. La Greca, O. Moorehead-Slaughter, and N. N. Lopez (Eds.), The Parents’ Guide to Psychological First Aid: Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Predictable Life Crises. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Little, K. K., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (2023). Family Functioning and youth outness: Indirect effect of sexuality specific family social support. LGBTQ+ Family: an Interdisciplinary Journal, 19, 160-174.
Lindahl, K. M., Malik, N. M., & Wigderson, S. (2020). Exploration of a marital typology: Implications for marital functioning in a multi-ethnic sample. Family Process, 59, 1319-1333. DOI: https://doi-org.access.library.miami.edu/10.1111/famp.12469
Wigderson, S., Lindahl, K. M., and Malik, N. M. (2019). Parental responsiveness toward glb children: Impact on mental health two years later. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15, 326-341. DOI: 10.1080/1550428X.2018.1545620
Lindahl, K. M., Wigderson, S., & Malik, N.M. (2019). Observational methods: Overview. In Fiese, B. (Ed.), APA Handbook of Contemporary Family Psychology. American Psychological Association: Washington, DC.
Malik, N. M. (2018). Maltreatment of persons with intellectual disabilities. In E. Braaten (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders (pp. 982-986). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483392271.n307
Richter, B. E. J., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (2017). Examining ethnic differences in parental rejection of LGB youth sexual identity. Journal of Family Psychology, 31, 244-249. doi: 10.1037/fam0000235
Bregman, H. R., Malik, N. M., Page, M. J. L., Makynen, E., & Lindahl, K. M. (2013). Identity profiles in lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth: The role of f family influences. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42, 417-430.
Page, M. J. L., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (2013). The role of religion and stress in sexual identity and mental health among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23, 665-677.
Lindahl, K. M., Bregman, H. R., & Malik, N. M. (2012). Family boundary structures and child adjustment: The indirect role of emotional reactivity. Journal of Family Psychology. 26, 839-847.
Malik, N. M. (2011). The challenging child: Emotional dysregulation and aggression. In S. J. Summers & R. Chazan-Cohen (Eds.), Understanding early childhood mental health. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Yoches, M., Summers, S. J., Beeber, L., Jones Harden, B., & Malik, N. M. (2011). Exposure to direct and indirect trauma. In S. J. Summers & R. Chazan-Cohen (Eds.), Understanding early childhood mental health. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.
Heller, S. S., Boothe, A., Keyes, A., & Malik, N. M. (2011). Infant mental health consultation in early childhood classrooms. In S. J. Summers & R. Chazan-Cohen (Eds.), Understanding early childhood mental health. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Lindahl, K.M., & Malik, N.M. (2011). Marital conflict typology and children’s appraisals: The moderating role of family cohesion. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 194-201.
Malik, N.M. & Lindahl, K. M. (2011). Coming out as gay or lesbian. In G. Koocher& A. La Greca (Eds.), Parent’s guide to psychological first aid: Helping children and adolescents cope with predictable life crises (pp. 285-294). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Willoughby, B.L.B., Doty, N.D., & Malik, N.M. (2010). Victimization, family rejection, and outcomes among lesbian, gay, and bisexual young people: The role of negative LGB identity. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 6, 403-424.
Doty, N. D., Willoughby, B.L.B., Lindahl, K.M., & Malik, N. M. (2010). Sexuality related social support among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 39(10), 1134-1147.
Willoughby, B.L.B., Doty, N.D., Braaten, E.B., & Malik, N.M. (2010). The Perceived Parental Reactions Scale. To be printed in T. Fischer, C. Davis, W. Yarber, & S. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
Lai, B.S., Willoughby, B.L.B., Doty, N.D., & Malik, N.M.(2010). The Gay Peer Crowds Questionnaire. To be printed in T. Fischer, C. Davis, W. Yarber, & S. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor and Francis.
Malik, N. M. (2008). Exposure to domestic and community violence in a community sample: Associations with child functioning. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 490-504.
Edleson, J. L., & Malik, N. M. (2008). Collaborating for family safety: Results from the Greenbook multi-site evaluation. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 871-875.
Willoughby, B. L., Doty, N. D., & Malik, N. M. (2008). Parental reactions to their child's sexual orientation disclosure: A family stress perspective. Parenting: Science and Practice, 8, 70-91.
Malik, N. M., Silverman, J., Wang, K., & Janczewski, C. (2008). Domestic violence and Dependency courts: The Greenbook demonstration experience. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 965-980.
Malik, N. M., Ward, K., & Janczewski, C. (2008).Coordinated community response to family violence: The role of domestic violence service organizations. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23, 933-955.
Willoughby, B., Lai, B., Doty, N., Mackey, E., & Malik, N.M. (2008). Peer crowd affiliations of adult gay men: Linkages with health risk behaviors. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 9, 235-247.
Malik, N. M., Boris, N. W., Heller, S. S., Jones Harden, B., Squires, J., Chazan-Cohen, R., Beeber, L. S.,& Kaczynski, K. J.(2007). Risk for maternal depression and child aggression in Early Head Start families: A test of ecological models. Infant Mental Health Journal, 28, 171-191.
Beeber, L. B., Chazan-Cohen, R., Squires, J., Jones Harden, B., Boris, N. W., Heller, S. S., & Malik, N.M. (2007). Five approaches to improving infant/toddler mental health in Early Head Start from the Early Promotion and Intervention Research Consortium (E-PIRC). Infant Mental Health Journal, 28, 130-150.
Warren, Z. E., Malik, N. M., Lindahl, K. M., & Claussen, A. (2006). Behavioral control dynamics and developmental outcomes in infants prenatally exposed to cocaine. Infant Mental Health Journal, 27, 121-140.
Willoughby, B. L. B., Malik, N. M., & Lindahl, K. M. (2006). Parental reactions to their sons’ sexual orientation disclosures: The roles of family cohesion, adaptability, and parenting style. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7, 14-26.
Kaczynski, K. J., Lindahl, K. M., Malik, N. M., & Laurenceau, J-P. (2006). Marital conflict, maternal and paternal parenting, and child adjustment: A test of mediation and moderation. Journal of Family Psychology, 20, 199-208.
Malik, N. M., & Lindahl, K. M. (2004). System for Coding Interactions in Dyads (SCID). In P. Kerig & D. Baucom (Eds.), Couple observational coding systems (pp 173-188). Mahwah, NJ: LEA.
Lindahl, K.M., Malik, N.M., Kaczynski, K., & Simons, J. S. (2004). Couple power dynamics, systemic family functioning, and child adjustment: A test of a mediational model in a multi-ethnic sample. Development and Psychopathology, 16, 609-630.
Malik, N. M., Lederman, C. S., Crowson, M., &Osofsky, J. D. (2002). Evaluating maltreated infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in dependency court. Infant Mental Health Journal, 23, 576-592.
Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (2001). The System for Coding Interactions and Family Functioning. P. Kerig and K. M. Lindahl (Eds.), Family Observational Coding Systems: Resources for Systemic Research (pp. 77-91). LEA Publishers.
Marcus, N.E., Lindahl, K.M., & Malik, N.M. (2001). Interparental conflict, children’s social cognitions, and child aggression: A test of a mediational model. Journal of Family Psychology,15, 315-333.
Lederman, C. S., Malik, N. M., & Aaron, S. M. (2000). The nexus between child maltreatment
and domestic violence: A view from the court. Journal of the Center for Children and the Courts, 2, (129-135).
Lecklitner, G., Malik, N. M., Aaron, S. M., & Lederman, C. S. (1999). Promoting the safety ofabused children and battered mothers: A model dependency court intervention program. Child Maltreatment, 4, 175-182.
Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (1999). Observations of marital conflict and power: Relations with parenting in the triad. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 320-330.
Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (1999). Linking marital conflict and children’s adjustment: The role of triadic family processes in Anglo and Hispanic f families. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 28, 12-24.
Malik, N. M., & Lindahl, K. M. (1998). Aggression and dominance: The roles of power and culture in domestic violence. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 5, 409-423.
Lindahl, K. M., Malik, N. M., & Bradbury, T. (1997). The longitudinal development of marriage. In K.Halford and H. Markman (Eds.), The Clinical Handbook of Couple Relationships and Couples Intervention (pp 203-224). Chichester, UK: Wiley & Sons.
Malik, N. M., & Furman, W. (1993). Problems in children’s peer relations: What can the clinician do? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 34, 1303-132.
Other publications:
Saywitz, K., Britner, P. A., Henderson Daniel, J., Dubowitz, H., Lutzker, J. R., Malik, N. M., Stone, J., & Silva, J. (2009). Effective strategies to support positive parenting in community health centers: Report of the working group on child maltreatment prevention in community health centers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Malik, N. M. (2005). Marital Equity. In Salkind, N. J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Development. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Dunlop, B. D., Beaulaurier, R. L., Seff, L. R., Newman, F. L., Malik, N. M., &Fuster, M.
(2005). Domestic violence against older women: Final technical report. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice, US Department of Justice.
Lederman, C. S., & Malik, N. M. (1999). Family violence: The state of the research. Florida Bar Journal, 73, 58-62.
Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (1997). Culture and theory in observational research. Couples Research and Therapy Newsletter, (3), 8.
Richter, B., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N.M. (November, 2017). Moderated mediation of the association between parental rejection and LGB youth depressive symptoms. Poster presented at the ABCT 51st Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
Richter, B., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N.M. (August, 2017). Factors related to distress in parents of LGB youth. Poster presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, District of Columbia, Washington.
Widgerson, S., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (October, 2016). Four types of marital conflict and youth adjustment: Differences by child gender. Poster presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Richter, B., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N.M. (October, 2016). Correlates of sexual disgust sensitivity in parents of LGB youth: Preliminary findings. Poster presented at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, New York, NY.
Lindahl, K.M., Malik, N. M., Lam, H., & Page, M. J. L. (March, 2014). Ethnicity and parental rejection in LGB youth. Poster presented at the 2014 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Austin, TX.
Page, M.J.L., Lam, H., Malik, N.M., & Lindahl, K.M. (April, 2013). Ethnicity differences in parent reactions to youth sexual minority identity. Poster presented at 2013 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA.
Lindahl, K. M., Malik, N. M., Bregman, H.R., & Page, M. J. L. (March, 2012). Stressors and victimization in sexual minority youth: Parenting as a buffer. Paper presented at the 2012 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence.
Bregman, H. R., Lindahl, K.M., & Malik, N.M . (March, 2011). Power and domestic violence: Implications for child aggression. Poster presented at 2011 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development.
Malik, N. M., Doty, N. D., Willoughby, B. L. B., & Lindahl, K. M. (August, 2010). Resilience in GLB youth: Stress, family self-worth, and adjustment. Poster to be presented at the 2010 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Malik, N. M. (July, 2010). Narrative studies of attachment. Facilitator, poster workshop, presented at the 12th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Leipzig, Germany.
Bregman, H. R., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (March, 2010). Family-of-origin violence and
marital aggression: Implications for young adolescents. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, PA.
Saywitz, K. J., & Malik, N. M. (Co-chairs). Behavioral health contributions to child maltreatment prevention in primary care. (August, 2009). Symposium presented at the 2009 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
Malik, N. M., Heller, S. S., & Boris, N. W. (April, 2009). Understanding how trauma matters: Links among trauma exposure, family, parent, and child characteristics in at risk families. Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Child
Development, Denver, CO.
McHale, J. P., Frascarolo, F., Jones, D. J., Lindahl, K. M., Malik, N. M., & Mangelsdorf, S. C. (March, 2008). Understanding coparenting alliances in nuclear, fragile, and extended kinship family systems: Taking stock of best practices and unresolved issues in
conceptualization and assessment. Roundtable presentation at the 16th International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (March, 2008). Triangulation and child adjustment: The Moderating roles of age, gender, and affect regulation. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Chicago, ILL.
Lai, B., & Malik, N. M. (August, 2007). Factors associated with anxiety in infants: An ecological framework. Poster presented at the 2007 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Doty, N.D., Willoughby, B.L.B., Lai, B.S., & Malik, N.M. (August, 2007). Parenting stress and Infant exposure to community violence: A structural equation model. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Malik, N. M. (July, 2006). Social and emotional development of infants and toddlers in Early Head Start: Findings from the Early Promotion and Intervention Research Consortium (E-PIRC). Poster symposium presented at the 10thWorld Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Paris, France.
Malik, N. M., Squires, J., Jones Harden, B., Boris, N. W., & Beeber, L. (July, 2006). Predicting aggressive behavior in infants and toddlers: A multi-level analysis of risk factors. Poster presented at the 10th World Congress of the WAIMH, Paris, France.
Boris, N. W., Malik, N. M., & Heller, S. S. (July, 2006). Exposure to violence and trauma in Early Head Start children. Poster presented at the 10th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health, Paris, France.
Malik, N. M. (May, 2006). Trauma experiences, symptoms, and intervention in Early Head Start families. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Birth the Three Institute, Baltimore, MD.
Doty, N. D., Malik, N. M., & Warren, Z. E. (2005, August). Community violence, cognitive functioning, and problem behaviors in infants and toddlers: Parenting stress and depression as mediating factors. Poster presented at the 2005 Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Malik, N.M., & Quesada, E. (June, 2023). Effective Use of Experts: Assessment, Testing,
Testimony, and Mitigation. Workshop presented to the Miami-Dade Public Defender
Office, Miami, FL.
Malik, N.M., & Quesada, E. (June, 2022). Effective Use of Experts: Assessment, Testing,
Testimony, and Mitigation. Annual meeting of the Florida Public Defender Association,
Bonita Springs, FL.
Firpi, M., & Malik, N. M. (May, 2019). Parental Alienation: What it is, and What it isn’t.
Workshop presented to the Family Court Division of the 11th Judicial Circuit,
Miami, FL.
Gottlieb, K., & Malik, N. M. (February, 2019). Extending Roper. Death Is Different
Seminar XXV: Conference of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers, Orlando, FL.
Malik, N. M. (October, 2018). Bonding and attachment: The importance of first
placements. DCF Bridge to Excellence Training, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (September, 2016). Bonding with the dependency child. CBC Alliance
Training Series, Miami, FL.
Malik, N.M. (May, 2016). Identification and treatment issues in parental alienation and
estrangement. Dade County Psychological Association.
Alavi, T., Harper, S., & Malik, N. M. (September, 2015). Nuts & Bolts of Case
Preparation Part 2: Choosing and working with experts. Kids Are Different:
Effective Advocacy after Miller and Graham. Florida Association of Criminal
Defense Lawyers Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Malik, N. M. & Isicoff, J. (September, 2014). Opening the door when one parent is shut out of
the child’s life: Management of parental alienation. Family Court Services, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (February, 2014). Attachment and the Neurodevelopment of Behavior. Workshop
presented to the Regional Training of the Florida Association of Family and Conciliation
Courts, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (February, 2014). The case for equal timesharing after divorce. Workshop
presented to the Regional Training of the Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (March, 2013). The politics of blended families: Strengths & challenges facing
families after divorce & remarriage/repartnering. Workshop presented at the 10th Annual
Conference of the Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Orland, FL.
Malik, N. M. (November, 2012). The politics of the blended family. Judicial Training, 11th
Judicial Circuit of Florida, Miami, FL.
Karlan, S., Firpi, M., & Malik, N. M. (April, 2012). How domestic violence allegations impact the psychological health of the child. American Bar Association (Family Section) CLE Conference, Miami Beach, FL.
Firpi, M., & Malik, N. M. (April, 2011). Child development, attachment, and family processes
in family court. Judicial Training, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (September, 2010). Domestic violence: Causes, consequences, and treatment options with 0-13 year old children and parents. Workshop presented at Bridging Children and Families, The Advocate Program, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M., & Firpi, M. (May, 2010). Childhood development, trauma, and intervention.
Workshop presented at the 2010 College of Advanced Judicial Studies, Sanibel, FL.
Malik, N. M. (April, 2010). Effects of domestic violence on children. Judicial Training, 11th
Judicial Circuit of Florida, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (April, 2009). Keynote Address: The importance of building secure relationships
with infants and toddlers. 7th Annual Pregnant Women, Infants, and Toddlers
Conference, Miami-Dade CAA Head Start/Early Head Start Program, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (April, 2009). Attachment: Foundations of development in early childhood. 7th
Annual Pregnant Women, Infants, and Toddlers Conference, Miami-Dade CAA Head
Start/Early Head Start Program, Miami, FL.
Malik, N.M. (February, 2009). Keynote Address: Maintaining parent–child relationships during separation and divorce. Seventh Annual Conference of the Florida Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. Tampa, FL.
Malik, N. M. (August, 2005). Post-partum depression and the mother-infant relationship. Head Start/Early Head Start Annual Training Conference, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (January, 2003). Dynamics of family violence, dynamics of child abuse, and the effect on children. Child Advocacy Training Seminar, Lawyers for Children America/Guardian Ad Litem Program. Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (August, 2002). “The Importance of Attachment in Everyday Interactions,” Preservice Workshop, Head Start/Early Head Start, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (May, 2002). “Treating Mental Health Issues in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers,” Linking Forces XI Conference, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (April, 2002). “Diagnostic Criteria for Behavioral and Emotional Difficulties in Infants and Toddlers Using DC: 0-3,” Miami-Dade County Head Start/Early Head Start programs, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (December, 2001). “The Impact of Violence on Social and Emotional Development in 0-3 Year Old Children,” Early Head Start Program, Wichita, KS.
Malik, N. M., (August, 2001). “An Introduction to Infant and Toddler Mental Health: Early Head Start Training,” Head Start, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (March, 2001). Dynamics of family violence, dynamics of child abuse, and the effect on children. Training Seminar, Guardian Ad Litem Program. Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (February, 2001). “Creating a Community Safety Net for Infants and Toddlers.” Two-day training program for community professionals sponsored by the Child Care Association, Inc., Early Head Start Program, Wichita, KS.
Malik, N. M. (February, 2001). “Research in Action: Putting Prevention Science to work in the Community.” Workshop at University of Miami Social Science Expo, Coral Gables, FL.
Malik, N. M. (October, 2000). Dynamics of family violence, dynamics of child abuse, and the effect on children. Child Advocacy Training Seminar, LCFA/Guardian Ad Litem Program. Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (June, 2000). Mental health in infants and toddlers: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapeutic issues. Fourth Annual Conference: Making Connections for Infants and Toddlers, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Malik, N. M. (May, 1999). The nexus between child maltreatment and domestic violence. Training conducted for the Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women, Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Miami, FL.
Malik, N. M. (October, 1997). Narrative, metaphor, and role play: The power of short term systemic treatment. Quality Educational Services Seminar, Miami Lakes, FL.
Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (May, 1997). Innovations in couples’therapy: Practical, short term treatment techniques. Quality Educational Services Seminar, Miami Lakes, FL.
Markman, H. J., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (August, 1996). Training armed services clergy and mental health providers in PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program): Preventing distress, divorce, and violence in at-risk families. Fort Shafter, Honolulu, HI.
Markman, H. J., Stanley, S., Lindahl, K. M., & Malik, N. M. (August, 1995). Training armed services clergy and mental health providers in PREP (Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program): Preventing distress, divorce, and violence in at-risk families. US Naval Amphibious Base, US Navy, Coronado, CA.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, R01, “Parental Acceptance & Child Functioning in LGB Youth: A Family Stress Perspective.”Award: $1,170,452. Dates of project: 10/08-9/12. Neena Malik, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.
Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, “Infusing Infant Mental Health Services in Early Head Start Through a Research-Based Collaborative Partnership.” Award: $835,008. Dates of project: 9/02-8/07. Neena Malik, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.
Administration on Developmental Disabilities, Department of Health and Human Services, 90DN0254, “SE Florida Project 360 for Military Families.” Award: $999,895. Dates of Project: 9/09-9/14. Neena Malik, Ph.D., Evaluator; Jean Sherman, Ed.D., Project Director.
James W. McLamore Summer Awards in Business and Social Sciences, “A Cross-Ethnic Examination of Power and Violence in Families and Children’s Well-Being.”
Award: $9,300. Dates of award: 5/02-8/02. Neena Malik, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, “Safe Start Initiative.” Awarded to the State of Florida Supreme Court.
Award: $670,000.00. Dates of project: 6/00-5/02. Neena Malik, Ph.D., training director; Lynne Katz, Ed.D., Project Director. (Grant awarded to State governmental entity under Judge Cindy Lederman).
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Violence Against Women Grants Office, “Dependency Court Intervention Program for Family Violence.” Awarded to Miami-Dade County/Judge Cindy Lederman. Award: $1,110,654.00 Dates of project: 8/98-5/2000. Neena Malik, Ph.D., Project Director (Grant awarded to County governmental entity).
National Institute of Mental Health, Small Grant Award, “A multi-ethnic study of domestic violence risk factors.” Award: $152,000. Dates of project: 1/97-1/99. Neena Malik, Ph.D., Co-principal Investigator; Kristin Lindahl, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.
Dade Community Foundation, Ruth Young Fund for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, “Implementation and Evaluation of a Domestic Violence Intervention Program for Violent Parents and Child Witnesses.” Award: $12,500. Dates of project: 3/96-12/96. Neena Malik, M.A., author of grant; Co-principal Investigator; Susan Dandes, Ph.D., Principal Investigator.
Zero to Three Collaboration Award, (Neena Malik, Ph.D.; Jon Korfmacher, Ph.D.), 2003
Solnit Fellowship: Leaders for the 21st Century, A Program For Fellows at ZERO TO THREE:
National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, 1999-2000
National Academy of Science: Honorable Mention, Frontiers of Research on Children, Youth,
and Families, National Research Council: Research Proposal for the Dependency Court
Intervention Program for Family Violence, 1997
Student Travel Award, Society for Research in Child Development, 1995
National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship, 1993
Colorado Fellowship, 1989
Cum Laude, Bachelor of Arts, Yale University, 1988
Site Visitor, APA Commission on Accreditation, Psychology Internship Programs (2011-2016)
Member, Working Group on Child Maltreatment Prevention, Public Interest Directorate, American Psychological Association (2008)
Member, Technical Working Group for the National Evaluation of the Multisite Demonstration of Collaborations to Address Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment, a grant initiative of the US Departments of Justice/Health and Human Services (2000-2008)
Member, Expert Advisory Panel, National Study of Domestic Violence Shelters, National Institute of Justice, US Department of Justice (2001-2005)
National Infant Mental Health Consultant to Early Head Start, Pathways to Prevention Initiative, Early Head Start National Resource Center, Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families (2002-2003)
Member, Workgroup on Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health, State of Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (2001-2003)
Member, Technical Assistance Team on Program Evaluation, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Violence Against Women Grants Office (1999)
Consultant on Prevention and Early Intervention, The President’s National Advisory Council on
Violence Against Women, U.S. Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services (1999)
Member, American Psychological Association (1997-present)
Member, Florida Association for Infant Mental Health (2000-2006; 2017-2019)
Member, Florida Psychological Association (2017-2019)
Member, Society for Research in Adolescence (2008-2016)
Member, Society for Research in Child Development (1997-2012)
Member, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy (1997-2004)
Editoral Board Member (2004-2005), Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Infant Mental Health Journal
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Psychologist
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Child Maltreatment
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Traumatic Stress
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Developmental Psychology
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Marriage and the Family
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Behavior Therapist
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Personal Relationships
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Violence Against Women
Ad Hoc Reviewer, Cognitive Therapy and Research
Proposal Reviewer, 20th, 18th, and 16thNational Training Institute, Zero toThree: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, & Families (2005, 2003, 2001)
Team Leader, proposal reviews, 19th National Training Institute, Zero to Three: National Center for Infants,Toddlers, and Families (2004)
Grant Reviewer, US Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice (2003)
Grant Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2002)
Grant Reviewer, US Departments of Health and Human Services/Justice, Violence Against Women Office (2000)
Grant Reviewer, US Department of Justice, Office of Victims of Crime (2000)
Social and Emotional Development
Introductory Psychology
Child Psychopathology
Evidence-based Interventions with Children and Families
Pre-Practicum Introduction to Therapy
Family Therapy
Child Assessment
Clinical Supervision
I have served as chair of seven dissertation committees and five thesis committees, as well as one senior honors thesis. I have also served on over 60 other thesis and dissertation committees at the University of Miami.
Member, Behavioral Sciences Subcommittee of the UM Institutional Review Board (August, 2001-August, 2003; Alternate Member, January 2006 – 2017)
Member, Pediatric Faculty Search Committee (2001, 2002)
Member, Child Faculty Search Committee (2001)
Member, Psychology Department ad hoc Committee on Diversity Training (2000-2004)
Member, Program Committee, Pridelines Youth Services (2010 – 2013)
Chair, Mental Health Advisory Subcommittee, Miami Dade County Head Start/Early Head Start (2003-2007)
Member, Florida Association of Infant Mental Health Best Practices Committee (2003-2005)
Member, Action Planning Team for Developing and Implementing Mental Health Treatment and
Interventions, State of Florida Strategic Plan for Infant Mental Health (2001 – 2003)
Member, Health Advisory Committee, Miami Dade County Head Start/Early Head Start (2000-
Co-chair, Steering Committee for the Development of a Miami-Dade County Sexual Abuse
Intervention Network (SAIN), Bertha Abess Children’s Center, Department of Juvenile
Justice, Department of Children and Families, and other community agencies (2001)
Member, Community Action Task Force, Miami-Dade County (1999-2000)
Member, Dade County Alliance Against Domestic Violence (1998-2000)
Member, Dade County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (1999-2000)
Member, Batterer’s Intervention Subcommittee of the Dade County Domestic Violence
Oversight Board (1998-1999)